Home » Ideas » Crown Cake Toppers Make For Royal Wedding

Crown Cake Toppers Make For Royal Wedding

Crowned cakes have been a sort of a wedding trend lately and it’s not surprising. They are regal and gorgeous. They are playing into a fairy tale atmosphere and overall require less of decor if you simply want to use a topper and pay less.

There are many different crown topper designs for different wedding styles. Some are princess-y and thin while others are imperial and regal.

A cute crown topper will run you just around $20 but if you’d like you could request your baker to create one out of sugar, icing, or chocolate for it to be edible as well.

Wedding Cake Crown Toppers

Crown-topped wedding cake

Crown wedding cake

wedding cake with a crown topper

Gilded wedding cake

black crowned wedding cake

crowned cake

Crowned ball cake

crowned wedding cake

wedding cake with a crown and a monogram

crowned wedding cake

crowned cake

Wedding Cake



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