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Honeymoon Alternatives On Budget

If a honeymoon isn’t on your budget list it still doesn’t mean you can’t spend a lovely weekend with your beloved somewhere nice and start your married life with some leisurely celebrating fun instead of going straight back to mundane life.

Honeymoon Budget Alternatives

Hanging tentsRetreat

You can have a great honeymoon without going far away from home. Find a nice retreat in your country that caters to your interests like fishing or horse-riding, or the one that has a nice territory with a farm, garden or a lake. Escape the city bustle and de-stress after all the exhausting wedding planning.

Go Out Of Town

In case you don’t have the money for resort you can stay in your friends’ or family country house and enjoy fresher air and a different environment.

Go to another city

Have you travelled your home country much? Since domestic airfare is much cheaper simply going to a different city in your country can save you a lot of dollars. Explore your own tourist attractions and travel destinations.

Camp in National Park

You also don’t have to go to some fancy retreat to have a great time with your husband or wife. Just take a car/boat and go for a trip. Plan your route and see the locations in your country you’ve never seen but always wanted to like the mountains or a national park. Get a tent and sleep under stars.

FestivalHoneymoon hotel

Lovers of festivals and fairs can Plan their honeymoon on the closest festival dates. Meet new people, enjoy the music, arts, and crafts and take in all the fun for new memories.

Get cultured

Always too busy to get a bit of culture a city has to offer? Get a vacation or a few free evenings at work and go visit all the hip new places and plays you wanted to see with your best friend.

A honeymoon doesn’t have to be expensive or fancy for you to enjoy it, after all you married the person you want to spend the rest of your life with, the rest is insignificant and prone to change.


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