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Cute Pound Cakes Are A New Budget-Friendly Trend

Small pound cakes are all the rage now. They’re cute, they can  be overly decorated, and they’re also budget-friendly. These cakes attract attention without breaking the bank and betting on size. They are all about color, shape, and any decoration you or your baker can think of.

Cut cream metallic cake

Less Work, Better Price

The less products and the less labor that goes into making your wedding cake, the less you pay. Simple. But it doesn’t mean you can’t have a designer-looking cake that is out of this world. It’s just minimized and doesn’t put you in debt.

Decorations Cost Less

You can have all the decorations you want on your mini cake, go through cake cutting ceremony, treat your guests with a delicious but plain-looking sheet cake, and still pay less than you would for the conventional tiered cake simply because a small cake allow less decorations and work and less work means, well, you know.


You can serve it yourself all the while taking a picture. You can also cut the sheet cake yourself and only have it served by the venue staff to cut the cake costs further. You don’t have to rent a cake stand or any of the arrangement. Your own home cake stand will do perfectly or at the very worst you can borrow it from friends or relatives.

A small cake can be as much expressive of your tastes and style as the tiered one. You can order any type of decoration you want without breaking the bank. And, finally, you can order a simple tasteful single tier cake from any baker you like along with the sheet cake without overpaying for the sheer fact that it’s a wedding cake.




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