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How to Officiate the Wedding Ceremony

officiant-wedding-ceremonyOfficiating the wedding ceremony for the couple you really love is considered to be a big honor. So, in case you are a priest, a family friend of the relative, there are chanced to become the officiant at the wedding.

In fact in the worldwide practice you can be a legal officiant without the religious connection and online ordinations are getting more and more accepted. In the United States the big tendency is inviting the relatives or friends to officiate the wedding ceremony. However the symbolic weddings, when the legalities take place before and after the actual wedding day, could be officiated by whoever the couple selects without the necessity of the legal authorization.

In spite of the delight of being asked, being an officiant could be a troublesome experience, especially if you have never done it before. Just imagine, you are standing in the front of the two that are going through the most exciting moment in their lives. Moreover, nearly hundreds of people will be concentrating their attention on you throughout the ceremony.

Couple years after the ceremony no one will remember your exact words, but everyone will memorize the overall tone and sentimental atmosphere. We present you the key tips on conducting the wedding ceremony.

Tips on conducting the wedding ceremony

Thought the ceremony is supposed to concentrate on the couple, the officiant’s speech is not for them exceptionally. There is a wider audience you are obliged to entertain and the ceremony is a part of the entertainment, which allows the guests to witness the sacred moment and celebrate it along with the newlyweds.
Knowing the audience is an essential part of being an officiant. Try to familiarize with the parents from the both sides as well as with the close relatives.

You probably have a lot to say to the people have a special meaning to you, but more is not necessarily better. You guests will get tired soon from the long speech, so try to pick the words carefully.
Don’t use the cliché phrases, rather concentrate on emotions. Try to create the emotional connection with the couple, its family members and friends. The vivid elements like anecdotes, real stories and lively words will promote creating the “experience”.

If it is the first time you get to conduct the ceremony or you are not experienced in speaking in public, it is necessary to come up with the script.
Unless you are good at reading your own handwriting, it would be better to make the printed script with the double spacing. Another useful way is using the note cards.

Put the ceremony scrip into the dressy looking book or binder, which is easy to carry and allows effortless pages turning. Stay away from something that looks too bulky or academic. Also it would look harmonious if the book’s cover suits the overall color gamma. Moreover, the advanced guys could even keep the script into the i-Pad.
A couple days before the ceremony day, dedicate some time to the preparation and material reviewing. You should know well both the structure and the flow of the ceremony, ensure to know the names of the people that take part in the ceremony. Try to remember by know by heart the opening and closing phrases so you could make an eye contact with the newlyweds.

Arrive to the ceremony an hour prior to the ceremony start. This will provide you with time for relaxation, handling the last minute details and get in touch with people that participate in the ceremony.


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